How Does it Work?
Bioptron: How does it work?
This is the most frequently asked question when we are demonstrating the Bioptron Lights. We like to explain it in simple terms, because this is how we like things explained to us.
European scientists first invented Bioptron Lights in the 1980’s for hospitals to improve treatments for chronic wounds like leg ulcers, bedsores, gangrene and burns.
They work by using the visible light spectrum plus some near infrared light and projecting these light frequencies into the body by polarisation. These frequencies are exactly the electrical frequency, the body enjoys and needs to operate effectively. We have approximately 70 trillion cells all with light receptors. These cells need light, oxygen and water to function. Diseased and damaged cells have low energy, part of what the Bioptron Light does is recharge these cells, it’s like putting jumper leads onto a flat battery. Everyone feels better on a sunny day, it’s because our bodies are solar powered and receive energy from sunlight.
As well as lifting the energy level of cells so that they function properly, the Bioptron Light increases blood circulation, helps oxygen absorption, awakens nerve pathways, assists our immune system and helps to reduce pain. The difference between what this amazing device does and other treatments, is that while alleviating many issues, it also significantly accelerates the body’s natural healing and repair.
Our approach for all our clients and ourselves is to use the Bioptron Light proactively and regularly to stay well. Millions of Bioptron devices are used throughout the world in hospitals, clinics and homes. It is a registered medical device and has been through rigorous medical testing.
If you would like to Call us for your Free Health Consultation, we can make specific recommendations for you and your family’s health needs.
Occupational Health Nurse - Testimonial
“Our workers were willing to give up their lunch break to have treatments”