Immune System, SADs and Depression

Christine explains how Bioptron Lights can be used to regulate the Immune System and assist with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SADs) and Depression.

Immune System, SAD’s (Seasonal Affective Disorder) and Depression

Having a good healthy immune system is fundamental in our health today. This has been more and more obvious in the last years with the increasing prevalence of Cancer and the Covid-19 pandemic.  Conditions like Rheumatoid Arthritis, Myalgia’s, Chronic Fatigue and many others often stem from an irregular immune system.

SAD’s and depression so common now, can be significantly reduced by daily treatments that also boost our immune system. The protocols we may suggest for SAD’s and Depression often vary in length and we may include key acupressure points to help improve your results.

Morning Brain and Wellness Program (as demonstrated above)

We encourage all our clients to use their light daily as a tool to assist in building and maintaining a robust and regulated immune system. The Light is directed into the eyes, forehead, ears, top of the head and thymus gland below the throat. This supports some of the major glands that run our whole body.

We believe this program is fundamental in supporting optimal health.

Would you like to learn more? Feel free to Call us for your Free Health Consultation


“Doing my morning brain and well-being program has brightened my days, I can now get one over the grandkids!”

- Eleanor


Arthritis, Joints and Pain


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